r INDESMAR ::: Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Marítimo :::

Economic and Financial Evaluation
  • Hiring a consultant for structuring and promotion of the project "GREAT NATIONAL AQUARIUM AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES"(January 2015), prepared by Custom MEF.
  • Service recruitment consultancy in implementation studies areas of logistics activity (September 2013), prepared by Custom MEF.
  • Consultancy for Determining the Economic Impact of Port Concessions (January – April 2012), prepared upon request from OSITRAN.
  • Extension of Public and Private Customs Service Opening Hours (December 2011- June 2012), prepared upon request from the IDB – SUNAT Project.
  • Preparation of the Market Study to assess the potential of the new Port Terminal of Yurimaguas – Nueva Reforma (December 2011 - April 2012), prepared upon request from our client MALAGA-WEBB & ASOCIADOS.
  • Demand for imported and exported goods, vessels and passengers by the Port Terminal of Salaverry (Prepared as part of the Master Plan Study, Proinversión 2009).
  • Demand for imported and exported goods, vessels and passengers by the Port Terminals of Iquitos and Pucallpa (Prepared as part of the Investment Bank service, Proinversión 2009 – 2010).
  • Demand for imported and exported goods, vessels and passengers by the General Port Terminal of San Martín (Prepared as part of the Investment Bank service, Proinversión 2009).
  • Review and update of port demand for the Port Terminal of Callao (in collaboration with Macroconsult, 2006).
  • Rate Fixing for the Port Terminals of Callao, Salaverry, Pisco, Iquitos and Pucallpa (Prepared as part of the Economic and Financial Evaluation Study, Proinversión 2006, 2009 and 2010).
  • Port Informality Study in the main cities of the Amazon: Yurimaguas, Pucallpa and Iquitos. Prepared for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2008 - 2009).
  • Port Vessel and Cargo Traffic Demand Studies, and Supply Capacity and Supply/Demand Balance Studies for the Port Terminals of Salaverry and Chimbote. Prepared for Proinversión (2008).
  • Research on the Competition Level Related to the Port Service Market. Prepared for INDECOPI (2006).
  • Advisory to the Consortium Currie & Brown - MACROINVEST for the updates of Feasibility Studies of the Port Terminals of Pucallpa and Iquitos. (2007).
  • Efficiency and Productivity Study of the National Port System, and the creation of Port Efficiency and Productivity Indicators System (SIPEP) Software. Prepared for the National Port Authority (2008).
  • Study for the Determination of the Management Cost Structure with its corresponding Cost Software of the Port Terminals of Paita, Salaverry, Chimbote, Huacho, Callao, San Martín, Matarani, Ilo and Iquitos. Prepared for ENAPU (1998)