Public Investment and Social Evaluation Projects
  • Project "GREAT NATIONAL AQUARIUM AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES" (August 2015), commissioned by the EGP, INMOBILIARIA MARITIMA and African Safari.
  • Feasibility level study of the Reference Project for the Port Terminal of Salaverry. Prepared for Proinversión. (2009).
  • Social Evaluation of the projects of the Port Terminals of Salaverry and Chimbote. Studies carried out for Proinversión., 2008.
  • Preparation of the study at a profile level of the Public Investment Project for the Dredging of the Access Channel to the Callao Port. Prepared for Royal Haskoning and the National Port Authority 2007.
  • Preparation of the study at a profile level of the Public Investment Project for the South Breakwater Rehabilitation of the Callao Port. Prepared for Royal Haskoning and the National Port Authority 2007.